note Even though Lisa Simpson, for instance, never existed in Real Life and based on her first TV appearance, would today be at least 40 years old. Also, be advised: In Britain at least, viewing sexualised images of characters depicted as under 16 is treated as a child sex offence under the grounds of "possession of pseudo-images of children". In Germany, Rule 34 is known but factually nonexistent and limited to extremely well-known stuff note say Die Sendung mit der Maus, so no rules can be given. oh, wait.) In the USA, it frequently ends in litigation. In Japan, artists are proud of being 34ed (since it proves they exist. When it comes to the creators themselves, their reactions to Rule 34 varies greatly from country to country. (Or, at least since early humans developed any semblance of abstract or symbolic thought concerning sex.) And it really is Older Than Dirt: depictions of sex have been around almost as long as sex has been around.

This sometimes reaches the point where a work of fiction will become Best Known for the Fanservice not just for having a sexy character in it, but also for the lewd fanart of such. While it was originally restricted to drawings and paintings, this has become even more prolific thanks to art/3D programs such as Adobe Photoshop and Source Filmmaker, especially towards video game characters for the latter. As hard as it is to believe, this trope is Older Than Dirt decades before the Internet was even conceived, publications known as "Tijuana bibles" circulated widely, featuring X-rated (and copyright-infringing) cartoons showcasing a mix of popular cartoon characters and movie stars of the day doing the Rule 34 thing.